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Recently Added Content:
- Roy Meyers completed a paper, Is The U.S. Congress an Insurmountable Obstacle to Any "Far-Sighted Conception of Budgeting"?, which was published in Public Financial Productions, Inc.
- Alan Cohen published a paper (Aug. 28, 2017), The Potential Impact of PAYGO Rules on Tax Legislation, which was published by Center for American Progress and can be found on our 'commentary on budget process reform' page.
- R Street's Leg Branch project published, Rep. Meadows Introduces Legislation to Lock In Regulatory Budgeting, which can be found on our 'commentary on budget process reform' page.
- Harry Stein published an op-ed for The Hill: Congress must repeal the debt limit so no party can take it hostage, and can be found on our 'commentary on budget process reform' page.
- Former CBO Directors (many of whom are members of the NBR) drafted a letter in response to recent criticisms of the institution, defending its role in the legislative process. It can be found in our 'commentary on budget process reform' page. There you can find an aggregation of various CBO-related commentary regarding recent criticisms of the institution among Republican lawmakers and responses from Roundtable members.
- Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) recently proposed a bill to establish a biennial budgeting system, which can be found on the 'budget reform in congress' page (scroll down the Senate).
- James Wallner wrote a piece for the Washington Examiner: Congress needs to rethink how it makes a budget, which can be found our 'commentary on budget process reform' page.
- The summary from the last Roundtable summary (June 13) has been posted and can be found on the members' login page.
- The Mercatus Center, of George Mason University, hosted an event on June 8, 2017 on Capitol Hill on Regulatory Budgeting. Find out more information on our 'Events and Activities' page.
- Kevin Kosar recently published a column for the Weekly Standard: Voters Hold Officials Accountable for Deficits in Many Countries. Just Not Here. It can also be found on our 'commentary on budget process reform' page.
- The summary from the last Roundtable summary (May 16) has been posted and can be found on the members' login page.
- Molly Reynolds published a report for Brookings, entitled: Considering the budget resolution in the Senate: Challenges and consequences of reform, which can be found on our 'commentary on budget process reform' and the Brookings 'Reimagining the Budget Process' page.
- The summary from the April 26 Roundtable meeting has been posted and can be found on the members' login page.
- Apr. 6, 2017 - Rep. Ken Buck (R-KY) recently introduced a bill to increase accountability and transparency in the budget process. More information can be found on our 'budget reform in congress' page.
- Apr. 6, 2017 - Budget Committee Unanimously Approves Reforms to Broken Budget Process. More information can be found on our 'budget reform in congress' page.
- The summary from the March 22 Roundtable meeting has been posted and can be found on the members' login page.
- On March 29, Brookings is hosting an event, 'Fiscal politics: The IMF explores another side of public finance.' More information can be found on our 'events and activities' page.
- Steve Redburn published, 'Budgeting for investment' on March 7, which can be found on our 'commentary on budget process reform' page.
- Stuart Butler and Matt Sommerfeld published, 'Could caucuses help rebuild bipartisanship on Capitol Hill?' on Feb. 9, which can be found on our 'commentary on budget process reform' page.
- The Bipartisan Policy Center is hosted an event, Infrastructure 2017, on Feb. 13. More information can be found on our 'events and activities' page.
- Bill Hoagland and Sandy Davis have recently been featured on the BPC podcast series, 'Common Cents,' which can be found on our 'Commentary on Budget Process Reform' page.
- The summary from the January meeting has been posted on the roundtable information page.
- Donald Marron published (from Oct. 2016), 'Goldilocks Meets Private Equity: Taxing Carried Interest Just Right,' which can be found on our 'commentary on budget process reform' page. "
- Harry Stein recently published, 'Congress Is Opening the Door to ‘Alternative Facts’ in Budget Policy' - which can be found on our 'commentary on budget process reform' page.
- In conjunction with the Hamilton Project, Brookings is hosting an event on February 7, 2017: "Identifying a Fiscally Responsible Approach to Funding Infrastructure." More information can be found on the 'events and activities page' - or the direct link to the event on the Hamilton Project page.
- Susan Irving, of the GAO, recently published a report: The Nation's Fiscal Health: Action is Needed to Address the Federal Government's Fiscal Future, which can be found our GAO Reports on Budget Process page.
- Charles Blahous, of the Mercatus Center, recently published his commentary on Chairman Price's budget process reform proposals, which can be found on the 'Commentary on Budget Process Reform' page.
- Brookings hosted an event, "From bridges to education: Best bets for public investment," on Jan. 9. More information is available on our 'events and activities' page.
- The summary from the last Roundtable summary (Dec. 14) has been posted and can be found on the members' login page.
- Content from the GAO on the budget process can now be found on the page: GAO reports on the budget process.
- Roundtable meeting dates for 2017 (through June) have been posted on the roundtable information page.